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  • How to Create a High Quality Specification

    So what exactly is a specification? A specification contains the goods and/or services for which you seek trademark protection. The specification that you initially submit is of crucial importance because you cannot broaden the scope […]


    An extremely crucial component of your branding strategy is the selection of the actual brand name or trademark itself. Aside from the plethora of marketing considerations, do you want to select a relatively descriptive trademark […]

    Avoiding Conflicting Marks

    Before filing for a trademark in any country you should carefully assess whether there are any similar or identical trademarks on identical or related goods and/or services that are already registered or are pending with […]

    Trademark Explanatory Videos

    We’ve searched the internet high and wide and discovered the following excellent trademark explanatory videos. If you know of any others flick us an email to support@tmpedia.com! The UK’s Intellectual Property Office has created the following […]

    How to File International Trademarks

    Historically the only way to seek trademark registration overseas was to individually file in each country which is an arduous and time-consuming process that usually requires a local representative and the need to file in […]

    Specification Practical Examples

    In the previous post we discussed how you can create high quality specifications. In this post we’ll go through some practical examples to improve your understanding of the whole process. Example 1: A software business […]

    Specification FAQs

    “I have never created a trademark specification before. What is the best way for me to learn?” A great way for you to increase your knowledge is to use classification tools. If you are only […]

    Global Trademark Offices (Complete Contact Details)

    Below are the complete contact details for the Trademark Offices around the world that users of TMpedia most frequently use. United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) For general questions please call 1-800-786-9199 Refer below […]

    Federal Trademark or State Trademark?

    If you are filing in the United States should you file for a Federal trademark or a State trademark? Let’s start with the basics. Common law trademark rights arise from actual use of a mark […]

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