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  • Trademark Explanatory Videos

    We’ve searched the internet high and wide and discovered the following excellent trademark explanatory videos. If you know of any others flick us an email to support@tmpedia.com!

    The UK’s Intellectual Property Office has created the following “IP Basics” animated video series:

    What is Intellectual Property?

    Is Intellectual Property important to my business?

    Should I get a trade mark?

    The USPTO has some comprehensive instructional videos, two of which are featured below:

    Introduction to the USPTO and Trademark Basics

    Basic Facts About Trademarks: What Every Small Business Should Know Now, Not Later

    The Canadian IPO has produced the following “What is a trademark?” video:

    Below are two excellent videos created by “The Michelson 20MM Foundation”:


    TMpedia recommends this trade mark law firm who has been personally endorsed by the Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary. They offer a money-back guarantee if your trade mark is not approved by the USPTO.


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